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John Arthur Elder IV
Lavonne Downs
Mike Luescher
Staff Liason


The Service Committee concerns itself with the physical, mental and emotional needs of the parish. Membership includes a representative or chairperson from the following groups.

Bereavement - To offer to each family that loses a loved one a prepared meal following the service. St. Augustine provides the meat, bread and drinks while parish members bring the vegetables, salads and deserts.  Volunteers help serve and clean up the meal.

Community Service Center - Founded in 1988 by Rev. Ivo Cecil, this is an ecumenical ministry supported by churches in Lebanon and Marion County. The mission of the Center is to provide food, clothing, and/or financial aid to persons or families in our community experiencing an emergency situation. Staffed by volunteers from various churches, the Center is located at 114 East Main Street and is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. If you are interested in volunteering contact Elinor Goodin.

Hospitality - The Hospitality Committee plans and hosts special parish events. The committee’s responsibilities include organizing entertainment and refreshments, setting-up, serving and cleaning up for special events and/or receptions. This committee is in charge of procuring Greeter and Gift Bearers for Sunday liturgy.

Knights of Columbus - Founded over 117 years ago by Fr. Michael J. McGivney, more than 10,000 councils worldwide have dedicated themselves to the ideals of Columbianism: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Membership offers the opportunity for fellowship with those who are of the same belief, who recognize the same duty to God, family and neighbor and who stand side by side in defense of those beliefs. All practicing Catholic men in union with the Holy See are invited to render service to their Church, country and fellow man as a member of the Marion County council of the Knights of Columbus. Contact Andy May (692-6008).

Knights of St. Peter Claver - For the purpose of rendering service to God and His Holy Church of recognizing the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, particularly as these attributes are defined in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy; of assisting the Hierarchy and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church in the Apostolic work of which they have dedicated their lives by planning, promoting, sponsoring and executing commendable works of Catholic Action wherever and whenever possible; for giving edification by good example in deportment, in word and in deed, especially to the youth who will emulate these virtuous deeds; of rendering pecuniary aid to its members and beneficiaries; of rendering mutual aid and assistance to its sick and disabled members; of promoting such social and intellectual association among its members, as shall be desirable and proper, and by such lawful means to them shall seem best, the Order of the Knights of Peter Claver was called into being, and its organization effected.

St. Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary - Our goal is to foster good will among Catholics and to do our part in helping in our respective communities. Both the Knights and Ladies are known for their activities in the Church and the community. Each member’s service is important in helping us build a better world. It is our desire that the Claver Court and Council will be an asset to Saint Augustine Parish and will seek to continue to assist in helping to make our parish as productive as possible.

Ministry to the Sick and Elderly - Volunteers visit the parishioners who are sick or elderly, in their homes or nursing homes. Closely associated to this program are the volunteer Ministers of the Eucharist. Volunteers are always needed. If you want communion brought to you please call to notify the parish office when a member enters a hospital or nursing home or becomes homebound.

Respect Life - The Committee raises awareness of the sacredness of all life. It deals with issues of the unborn, elderly, terminally ill, physically or mentally handicapped and any other areas where life needs to be protected. It communicates with the Archdiocese of Louisville’s Office of Catholic Charities and shares educational and informational resources with the parish concerning the dignity of life in all stages - from the unborn to the dying. Membership is open to anyone in the parish.

Social Concerns - The Social Concerns Committee is the empowerment of the parish as the People of God to fulfill the Church’s mission of love, justice, freedom and peace by communally responding in an organized way to societal and individual needs.

Turkey Social - Every second Saturday in November, St. Augustine Parish hosts a social to raise money to defray the cost of tuition. A turkey dinner is provided with games of chance and skill.  It fosters an attitude of  fellowship and cooperation for all parishioners as they offer their time, talent and treasure for the good of our faith community.